Why shouldn’t we plagiarize? Well, we shouldn’t because it’s illegal, unethical, and it’s STEALING, just
like shoplifting from a store. As adult learners, why don’t we plagiarize? We don’t don’t plagiarize
because we’ve been taught that plagiarizing is not ok. We heard in school, repeatedly, that plagiarizing
is illegal, unethical, and has serious (sometimes life altering) consequences. We were taught, starting
in elementary school, how to avoid plagiarism. We were taught skills like summarizing, paraphrasing,
and how to use citations.

That begs a question for me. If we were taught not to plagiarize, why do so many educators and
students think it’s ok to use copyrighted images without giving credit? The only answer I can come up
with is that these educators and students do not realize that they are STEALING other people’s
intellectual property and are doing this out of ignorance, not malice. In the hopes that it is truly a matter
of not understanding how to use copyrighted images, or how to find images licensed to be freely used,
I am hoping this post will help.

First, if you do not know if an image is copyrighted, err on the side of caution and act like it is. Better
safe than sorry, right? If you are using a copyrighted image, cite your image source. Best practice is to
site the source directly beneath the image or on the same page as the image (like in a slide deck). For
information on copyright and APA Style, see this blog series by Chelsea Lee.

Second, please watch the video below to see how you can quickly and easily find images licensed to
be used freely using Google Chrome and its filters.
Using these tips can help you be sure that you are using images legally and ethically.

By using these tips you are practicing ISTE Standards for Educators (2017) 3c: Educators mentor
students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights
and property. Also, the ISTE Standards for Students (2016) is 2b: Students engage in positive, safe,
legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using
networked devices.
Just so you know!

BTW, the image at the top of this post is licensed for noncommercial use with modification, but just to
be thorough the image link is:
